Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Gravestone #4: Abraham Franklin Dupre and Minerva A Clark

 Abraham Franklin Dupre and his wife Minerva A (nee Clark), my third great grandparents on the Fink-Dupre line. Mount Tabor Cemetery, past his parents' obelisk.

Also buried in Mount Tabor are Minerva's parents, Jeptha Clark and Mary (nee Null) Clark, but we couldn't find their graves. We did find two small square markers inset in the ground that read "Clark". Our thoughts were that the gravestones had been destroyed and replaced with these so that the graves wouldn't be lost. 

Gravestone #3: Abraham Dupre and Mary Deckard

Entrance to Mount Tabor Cemetery. It's right down the road from Brush Cemetery, near a little church.

 Obelisk for Abraham Dupre and his wife Mary Deckard called Polly, my 4th great grandparents on the Fink-Dupre line. Mount Tabor Cemetery, Gallia County OH. Close to the center, to the left of the entrance. This is the Abraham that was seven years old when his family immigrated to America.

 Close up of the Dupre carving.

 Close up of Abraham's details

Close up of Mary's details

Gravestone #2 Richard Deckard and Hannah Eagle

Richard Deckard and his wife, Hannah (nee Eagle) Deckard, my 5th great grandparents on the Fink-Dupre line. They are buried in Brush Cemetery in Gallia County, Ohio. If I remember rightly, they're over to the left side, surrounded by a bunch of other Deckard graves.
Close up of the grave.