Thursday, March 10, 2011

Fearless Females March 7 - Family Recipes

March 7 — Share a favorite recipe from your mother or grandmother’s kitchen. Why is this dish your favorite? If you don’t have one that’s been passed down, describe a favorite holiday or other meal you shared with your family.

I won’t share the actual recipe, because I believe that family recipes should stay in the family. But we have an egg noodle recipe that pretty much everyone in my family loves. Flour, eggs, salt and milk. That’s it. Sometimes the simplest recipes are the best. We use it to make chicken and noodles, chicken and dumplings, beef and noodles, I think turkey and noodles has even been done. My mother says it was my step great grandma Gladys’ recipe, my grandmother says it was a pretty common way of making noodles back in the day. But we consider it a family recipe. This dish is a favorite because its easy, hearty and oh so delicious, especially when served over mashed potatoes.

My mother and I always make fruit filled yeast pastry at Christmas time, except we call it 'coffee cake'. And we make several batches of it. Its not really a family recipe (yet). My mother learned it from an older woman at church when she was growing up. Apparently my grandfather would always order some from this woman for family events and at some point my mom learned how to make it herself. Its a long complicated process that takes about three hours per coffee cake, more if we make our own filling which we do do sometimes. But my mom and I are the only ones that can make it, and its very special to us. I look forward to the hours I spend with her in the kitchen every year. I think spending time with her is what makes this dish so special to me.

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